Magellan Level 36, 25 Martin PlaceSydneyNew South Wales2000 +61 2 9235 4888
Warning about investment scams misrepresenting Magellan
Investment scams happen when scammers try to trick people into investing money or making a financial transaction. One way in which this is done is by advertising a fake investment opportunity. To appear legitimate, fraudulent parties may use a fund manager’s brand and content across fake websites, documents or apps that look professional with legitimate business details of the organisation to mislead individuals.
An example of such scams is an advertisement on social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, where people are invited to register for access to investment information, download apps or join chat groups (e.g. WhatsApp) by persons falsely claiming to be Magellan employees or representatives. These messages are not from Magellan and Magellan is not in any way connected to or affiliated with these groups.
Magellan does not provide personal investment advice or recommendations regarding any investment product or securities via any social media platform. Any communications we conduct over social media platforms is limited to information made available on our LinkedIn page. We urge anyone receiving an invitation to join these online groups to avoid responding and to report the scam to the applicable social media provider.
It’s important that you are always certain of the identity of any person you are communicating with before engaging with them or providing them with any personal or financial information. If you are unsure whether a communication relating to Magellan is genuine or not, please contact us directly using the contact information on this website.
Select your fund below to view unit registry information
MUFG Corporate Markets
MUFG Corporate Markets provides a range of registry services such as the maintenance of unitholder records and the provision of enquiry facilities via mail, phone, fax and email.
Please contact the unit registry directly for assistance with your unitholdings.
Level 36
25 Martin Place
Sydney NSW 2000
Apex Group
Apex Group provides a range of registry services including the processing of applications, redemptions and distributions as well as the maintenance of unitholder records.
Please contact Apex Group directly for assistance with your unitholdings.
Boardroom Limited provides a complete range of registry services such as the maintenance of shareholder and unitholder records and the provision of enquiry facilities via mail, phone, fax and email.
Please visit Boardroom at using your InvestorServe Login or use the contact details provided.
At Magellan Asset Management Limited (“Magellan”) your feedback is important to us.
What to do if you have a complaint:
Magellan is committed to providing investors with the best possible service. If at any time you are dissatisfied with a service provided by Magellan, please contact us so we can work towards a resolution.
Magellan has appointed a Complaints Officer to manage complaints from investors.
How to make a complaint:
You can make your complaint in writing (letter, email or online) or by telephone or in person.
Please contact our Complaints Officer using any of the following methods: Phone: +61 2 9235 4888 Email: Mail: Magellan Asset Management Limited, Level 36, 25 Martin Place Sydney, NSW 2000
Please provide full contact details (including your account name and number) to enable us to respond to you quickly.
Please provide as much detail as possible regarding the nature of your complaint together with any supporting documentation.
If you need assistance to make a complaint, we will accept complaints from a representative who can act on your behalf such as a friend or family member.
We will:
Acknowledge your complaint either verbally or in writing within one business day, or as soon as practicable;
Investigate your complaint, confirm what went wrong and consider the most effective course of resolution; and
Provide you with a final written response setting out Magellan’s proposed remedy as soon as possible, but in any event within 30 days of receiving your complaint. Note that we will generally not provide you with a written response where we have resolved your complaint to your satisfaction within five business days of receiving it and where you have not requested a response in writing.
Keeping you informed:
If, for reasons beyond our control, we are unable to provide you with a final written response within 30 days, we will let you know the reasons for the delay and your right to complain to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (as detailed below).
Still not satisfied?
Magellan is a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (“AFCA”). If an issue has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can lodge a complaint with AFCA. AFCA provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers.
By clicking “I Agree” you represent that you are a ‘wholesale client’ under section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the “Act”). Further, you represent that you will not directly or indirectly disseminate information contained on this website to a ‘retail client’ within the meaning of section 761G of the Act.
This website contains general information only and does not take into account any person’s investment objectives, financial situation or needs. Nothing contained in the website constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement or offer to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments.
Important Legal Information: The information contained in the Institutional section of this website is not intended to constitute:
any offer for sale or subscription of securities to the public in New Zealand in terms of the Securities Act 1978 of New Zealand (the 1978 Act) (or any statutory modification or re-enactment of, or statutory substitution for, the 1978 Act). Accordingly, no prospectus or investment statement for the purposes of the 1978 Act has been produced in respect of the information contained in the website and the information does not contain all the information typically included in a registered prospectus or an investment statement under the 1978 Act; or
the provision of "financial advice" under the Financial Advisers Act 2008 (the 2008 Act) (or any statutory modification or re-enactment of, or statutory substitution for, the 1978 Act).
By clicking "I agree," you agree that you have read the terms detailed below and confirm that:
1) you:
(i) are an "habitual investor" for the purposes of section 3(2)(a)(ii) of the 1978 Act. "Habitual investors" are persons whose principal business is the investment of money or who, in the course of and for the purposes of their business, habitually invest money; or
(ii) otherwise fall within one of the other categories set out in section 3(2)(a) of the 1978 Act, meaning that you are not a member of the public for the purposes of the 1978 Act; or
(iii) you are acting for a person described in (i) or (ii); and
2) you are a "wholesale client" for the purposes of the 2008 Act.
The information contained in the Institutional section of this website is intended only for institutions that are both (i) habitual investors or otherwise fall within one of the other categories set out in section 3(2)(a) of the 1978 Act and (ii) "wholesale clients" under the 2008 Act. Such persons shall be referred to as "institutional investors" herein. Persons who are not institutional investors should not review the information contained in the website. This website is supplied on the condition that it is not passed on to any person who is not an institutional investor.
Nothing on this website constitutes investment, legal, business, tax or any other type of advice. The information on this website does not take into account the particular financial and investment objectives, circumstances and needs of any person. Information on the website is not intended for investors in any jurisdiction in which distribution or purchase is not authorized.
Performance data shown represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value fluctuate so your investment, when sold, may be worth more or less than the original cost; current performance may be lower or higher than quoted. Investors should be aware of the increased risks associated with investments in foreign/emerging markets securities, high yield securities and smaller companies.You are solely responsible for evaluating the risks and merits regarding the use of the website and any services provided within. Nothing contained in that website constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement or offer to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments.
Important Legal Information: By clicking "I agree," the user agrees that I have read the terms detailed below and confirm that I am an Institutional Investor and that I wish to proceed.
Information contained in the Institutional section of this website is not intended for institutional investors in any jurisdiction in which distribution or purchase is not authorised.
The information is intended for institutional investors and consultants to institutional investors and is published for informational purposes only. The information is directed at informing persons falling within one or more of the following categories:
1) A government, local authority, or public authority;
2) A bank or insurance company;
3) A pension fund or charity;
4) An individual who is a "qualified client" under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and has experience in investment, financial and business matters to evaluate the risks of investing in securities;
5) Persons whose ordinary activities involve or are reasonably expect to involve them, as principal or as agent, in acquiring, holding, managing or disposing of investments for the purpose of a business carried on by them;
6) Persons whose ordinary business involves the giving of advice, which may lead to another person acquiring or disposing of an investment or refraining from so doing.
Persons who do not fall into one of the above categories should not review the information contained in this site.
Performance data shown represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value fluctuate so your investment, when sold, may be worth more or less than the original cost; current performance may be lower or higher than quoted. Investors should be aware of the increased risks associated with investments in foreign/emerging markets securities, high yield securities and smaller companies.
Important Legal Information: By clicking "I agree," the user agrees that I have read the terms detailed below and confirm that I am an investment professional as that term is defined in the Handbook of the Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") or that I am acting for an investment professional.
Information contained on the Institutional section of this website is not intended for investors in any jurisdiction in which distribution of the information or purchase is not authorized or permitted.
The information is exclusively intended for, and directed at, investment professionals and advisers to investment professionals. Any products and investment services that are referenced on this website are only available to, or will only be engaged in with, investment professionals. Investment professionals will usually fall within one or more of the following categories (terms used have the same meaning as in the FSA handbook):
1) An authorised person;
2) An exempt person;
3) A government, local authority (constituted in any jurisdiction) or an international organisation;
4) Any person whose ordinary activities involve him in carrying on an investment activity;
5) A person who is acting in their capacity as a director, officer or employee of the above.
Persons who do not fall into one of the above categories, or who do not otherwise constitute investment professionals, should not read or rely on the information contained on this website.
The information provided on this website is for information purposes only and nothing on this website constitutes investment, legal, business, tax or any other type of advice.
Any performance data shown represents past performance. Past Performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future performance, and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made regarding future performance. Investment return and principal value fluctuate so your investment, when sold, may be worth more or less than the original cost; current performance may be lower or higher than quoted. Investors should be aware of the risks associated with investments generally and the increased risks associated with investments in foreign/emerging markets securities, high yield securities and smaller companies.
Important Legal Information: By clicking "I agree," the user agrees that I have read the terms detailed below and confirm that I am an "Accredited Investor" and that I wish to proceed.
Information contained in the Institutional section of this website is not intended for accredited investors in any jurisdiction in which distribution or purchase is not authorized.
The information is intended for accredited investors and consultants to accredited investors, and is published for informational purposes only.
The term "Accredited Investor" is a defined term under the Canadian Securities Regulation and includes Institutional Investors, such as banks, insurance companies, trust and loan companies, and pension plans. It also includes individuals provided they meet certain net worth or income thresholds. For more information, refer to National Instrument 45-106 of the Canadian Securities Administrators or consult your legal adviser.
Persons who do not fall into the definition above should not review the information contained in the site.
Performance data shown represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value fluctuate so your investment, when sold, may be worth more or less than the original cost; current performance may be lower or higher than quoted. Investors should be aware of the increased risks associated with investments in foreign/emerging markets securities, high yield securities and smaller companies.
Important Legal Information: By clicking "I agree," the user agrees that I have read the terms detailed below and confirm that I am an "Institutional Investor" and that I wish to proceed.
Information contained in the Institutional section of this website is not intended for institutional investors in any jurisdiction in which distribution or purchase is not authorized.
The information is exclusively intended for, and directed at eligible counterparties or professional clients as defined under the German Securities Trading Act. For more information, consult your legal adviser.
Nothing on this website constitutes investment, legal, business, tax or any other type of advice. The information on this website does not take into account the particular financial and investment objectives, circumstances and needs of any person. Information on the website is not intended for investors in any jurisdiction in which distribution or purchase is not authorized.
Performance data shown represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value fluctuate so your investment, when sold, may be worth more or less than the original cost; current performance may be lower or higher than quoted. Investors should be aware of the increased risks associated with investments in foreign/emerging markets securities, high yield securities and smaller companies.
You are solely responsible for evaluating the risks and merits regarding the use of the website and any services provided within. Nothing contained in that website constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement or offer to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments.
Important Legal Information: By clicking "I agree," the user agrees that I have read the terms detailed below and confirm that I am an "Institutional Investor" and that I wish to proceed.
Information contained in the Institutional section of this website is not intended for institutional investors in any jurisdiction in which distribution or purchase is not authorized.
The information is intended for institutional investors and consultants to institutional investors, and is published for informational purposes only. The information is directed at non-retail clients falling within one or more of the following categories:
1) A government, local authority or public authority;
2) A bank or insurance company;
3) A pension fund or charity;
4) An individual who provides one or more investment services on a professional basis;
5) Persons whose ordinary activities involve or are reasonably expect to involve them, as principal or as agent, in acquiring, holding, managing or disposing of investments for the purposes of a business carried on by them;
6) Persons whose ordinary business involves the giving of advice, which may lead to another person acquiring or disposing of an investment or refraining from so doing.
Persons who do not fall into one of the above categories should not review the information contained in the site.
Performance data shown represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value fluctuate so your investment, when sold, may be worth more or less than the original cost; current performance may be lower or higher than quoted. Investors should be aware of the increased risks associated with investments in foreign/emerging markets securities, high yield securities and smaller companies.
Important Legal Information: By clicking "I agree," the user agrees that I have read the terms detailed below and confirm that I am an "Institutional Investor" and that I wish to proceed.
Information contained in the Institutional section of this website is not intended for institutional investors in any jurisdiction in which distribution or purchase is not authorized.
The information is exclusively intended for, and directed at institutional investors, accredited investors and expert investors as defined under the Securities and Futures Act (Singapore) (“SFA”) For more information, refer to the SFA or consult your legal adviser.
Nothing on this website constitutes investment, legal, business, tax or any other type of advice. The information on this website does not take into account the particular financial and investment objectives, circumstances and needs of any person. Information on the website is not intended for investors in any jurisdiction in which distribution or purchase is not authorized.
Performance data shown represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value fluctuate so your investment, when sold, may be worth more or less than the original cost; current performance may be lower or higher than quoted. Investors should be aware of the increased risks associated with investments in foreign/emerging markets securities, high yield securities and smaller companies.
You are solely responsible for evaluating the risks and merits regarding the use of the website and any services provided within. Nothing contained in that website constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement or offer to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments.
Important Legal Information: By clicking "I agree," the user agrees that I have read the terms detailed below and confirm that I am a "professional investor" as defined under the Securities and Futures Ordinance of Hong Kong (the “Ordinance”) and any rules made under the Ordinance, and that I wish to proceed.
Information contained in the Institutional section of this website is not intended for institutional investors in any jurisdiction in which distribution or purchase is not authorized.
The information is exclusively intended for, and directed at, professional investors as defined under the Ordinance and any rules made under the Ordinance or as otherwise may be permitted by the Ordinance. For more information, refer to the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong or consult your legal adviser.
Nothing on this website constitutes investment, legal, business, tax or any other type of advice. The information on this website does not take into account the particular financial and investment objectives, circumstances and needs of any person. Information on the website is not intended for investors in any jurisdiction in which distribution or purchase is not authorized.
Performance data shown represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value fluctuate so your investment, when sold, may be worth more or less than the original cost; current performance may be lower or higher than quoted. Investors should be aware of the increased risks associated with investments in foreign/emerging markets securities, high yield securities and smaller companies.
You are solely responsible for evaluating the risks and merits regarding the use of the website and any services provided within. Nothing contained in that website constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement or offer to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments.
Thank you for your interest. We are committed to expanding our institutional website to meet the needs of our global investor base. We do not, however, have content approved for your location at this time. For additional information please email
Important Information
This document does not constitute an offer of units in a Magellan Fund in any jurisdiction other than Australia or New Zealand (or in jurisdictions where it is lawful to make such an offer). Applications for units in a Magellan Fund from residents outside of Australia and New Zealand may not be accepted.
By clicking on the "I Confirm" button below you are confirming that you are a resident of Australia or New Zealand (or that you are acting on behalf of a person who is a resident in one of those jurisdictions).