What disclosures does Magellan provide in regard to the fund?

The following information is available on the ASX announcements platform and/or our website: 

  • information about the Net Asset Value of the fund’s underlying investments daily;
  • information about withdrawals from the fund and the number of units on issue;
  • information about distributions paid in relation to the Fund’s Units;
  • monthly fund factsheets; 
  • the full portfolio on a quarterly basis with a one-month delay ; 
  • information that we disclose to ASIC which is not generally available and that a reasonable person would expect, if the information were generally available, to have a material effect on the price or value of the fund's units (as required under section 675 of the Corporations Act); and
  • any information that is provided to an overseas stock exchange and would be required to be disclosed to the ASX under section 323DA of the Corporations Act as if the fund was admitted under the ASX Listing Rules.

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