Magellan Global Opportunities Fund

A core holding investing in 20 to 40 of the world’s best global stocks

Investment Objective

The Fund’s investment objective is to outperform the MSCI World Net Total Return Index (AUD) net of fees over periods of three years or longer.

Invest In The World's Best

Dollar General
Reckitt Benckiser
Lloyds Banking
Taiwan Semiconductor
Eversource Energy

Fund Facts

Portfolio Manager
Alan Pullen
Alan Pullen
Global Equity Fund, $AUD unhedged
Inception Date
Fund size
$1.7 million
Management Fee
Distribution Frequency
682 380 892
Buy / Sell Spread
MSCI World Net Total Return Index (AUD)
Performance Fee

Performance fees are 10% of the excess return of the units of the Fund above the MSCI World Net Total Return Index (AUD) over each Calculation Period. Performance fees are estimated daily and accrued in the unit price. Calculation of the fee is finalised and payable at the end of each Calculation Period from the assets of the Fund.

Investment Risks

All investments carry risk. While it is not possible to identify every risk relevant to an investment in a fund, we have provided details of risks in the fund's Product Disclosure Statement.

The Magellan Global Opportunities Fund - Class M Units has a minimum investment of $20 million. The PDS for this Class is available on request. Please click here for more information.

Transaction costs may also apply - refer to the Product Disclosure Statement. All fees and costs described above are inclusive of the estimated net effect of GST.

Magellan perceives outstanding companies to be those that are able to sustainably exploit competitive advantages in order to continually earn returns on capital that are materially in excess of their cost of capital.

While Magellan is extremely focused on fundamental business value, it is not a typical 'value' investor. The Magellan Global Opportunities Fund will aim to invest in companies that have sustainable competitive advantages which translate into returns on capital in excess of their cost of capital for a sustained period of time. We endeavour to acquire these companies at discounts to their assessed intrinsic value. Equities that appear undervalued on the basis of a low price-to-earnings or price-to-book multiples will often prove to be poor investments if the underlying business is fundamentally weak and exhibits poor returns on capital.

Magellan focuses on risk-adjusted returns, rather than benchmark-relative returns. As a result, the Fund's investment process is designed to generate an unconstrained, concentrated portfolio of high-quality companies.

The Fund’s portfolio will comprise 20 to 40 investments. Magellan believes such a portfolio will achieve sufficient diversification to ensure the Fund is not overly correlated to a single company, or to industry specific or macroeconomic risks.

Intensive bottom-up stock analysis and industry research
Intensive bottom-up stock analysis and industry research
Broad and detailed macroeconomic insight
Broad and detailed macroeconomic insight
Rigorous portfolio construction and risk discipline
Rigorous portfolio construction and risk discipline

Intensive bottom-up stock analysis and industry research is undertaken in order to identify outstanding companies. This involves the assessment of potential investments against key quality criteria, as well as assessments of their intrinsic value. Magellan uses a proprietary ranking tool, the Magellan Conviction Scoring Matrix, to rank these companies based on these factors. This process enables the portfolio to be weighted towards higher conviction ideas (on a risk-adjusted basis).

Magellan's detailed macroeconomic analysis is overlayed during portfolio construction, alongside the application of both fixed and dynamic risk limits. This process ensures that the portfolio is not overly exposed to aggregation risk (risk which arises from correlated portfolio positions) or macroeconomic event risk. Macroeconomic event risk can be a significant source of negative returns for investors. Magellan will make significant changes to the portfolio if it believes that macroeconomic events could lead to significant and sustained loss in value for investors. Such events would include a financial crisis, a sustained oil price shock, a global pandemic or a major global conflict.

Growth of AUD $10,000

From inception to 28 February 2025

Important Information: Effective 1 July 2024, the management fee was reduced from 1.05% p.a. to 0.75% p.a. and the performance fee changed from ‘12.5% of the excess return of the Fund above the “Absolute Return” hurdle of 10% p.a.’ to ‘10% of the excess return of the Fund above the MSCI World Net Total Return Index (AUD)’. Calculations are based on exit price with distributions reinvested, after ongoing fees and expenses but excluding individual tax, member fees and entry fees (if applicable). Fund Inception 1 January 2022 (inclusive). Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

28 February 2025
Performance 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year 3 Years
Since Inception**
Magellan Global Opportunities Fund 8.30% 17.44% 24.66% 18.86% 14.23%
Benchmark* 4.87% 14.02% 21.07% 16.04% 12.36%
Out/Under Performance 3.43% 3.42% 3.59% 2.82% 1.87%

* MSCI World Net Total Return Index (AUD)
** Inception date 1 January 2022 (Inclusive)

Important Information: Effective 1 July 2024, the management fee was reduced from 1.05% p.a. to 0.75% p.a. and the performance fee changed from ‘12.5% of the excess return of the Fund above the “Absolute Return” hurdle of 10% p.a.’ to ‘10% of the excess return of the Fund above the MSCI World Net Total Return Index (AUD)’. Calculations are based on exit price with distributions reinvested, after ongoing fees and expenses but excluding individual tax, member fees and entry fees (if applicable). Fund Inception 1 January 2022 (inclusive). Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Top 10

31 December 2024
7.5% Microsoft Corporation
6.1% Mastercard Inc
5.9% Inc
5.6% Alphabet Inc
4.7% Nestlé SA
4.3% Taiwan Semiconductor - SP ADR
4.2% Lloyds Banking Group Plc
4.1% Dollar General Corporation
4.1% Reckitt Benckiser Group
4.0% Eversource Energy
Date Net Asset Value Entry Exit
27-Mar-2025 5.1320 5.1371 5.1269
26-Mar-2025 5.1242 5.1293 5.1191
25-Mar-2025 5.1586 5.1638 5.1534
24-Mar-2025 5.1731 5.1783 5.1679
21-Mar-2025 5.1397 5.1448 5.1346
20-Mar-2025 5.1083 5.1134 5.1032
19-Mar-2025 5.0754 5.0805 5.0703
18-Mar-2025 5.0259 5.0309 5.0209
17-Mar-2025 5.0353 5.0403 5.0303
14-Mar-2025 5.0334 5.0384 5.0284
Download historical unit prices

Notice of reliance

Magellan Asset Management Limited as responsible entity of the Magellan Global Fund will rely on ASIC Corporations (Discretions for Setting the Issue Price and Withdrawal Price for Interests in Managed Investment Schemes) Instrument 2023/693.

Continuous Disclosure

Access the continuous disclosure information issued by Magellan Asset Management Limited in relation to this fund.

Read the Product Disclosure Statement prior to making any investment decisions.

Invest directly with the fund

Complete the Online Application Form 

Alternatively, complete the PDF Application Form digitally, or print
and complete manually. You will be guided by the Application Form
if you also need to complete any CRS forms.

Send application form to Apex Group
Apex Fund Services - Unit Registry
GPO Box 143
Sydney NSW 2001

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Temporary processes available during COVID-19

Speak with your adviser/broker. To find an adviser, visit Financial Advice Association Australia.

Unit Registry Enquiries

Apex Group

Apex Group provides a range of registry services including the processing of applications, redemptions and distributions as well as the maintenance of unitholder records.

Please contact Apex Group directly for assistance with your unitholdings.

Investor Login
1300 127 780 (Australia)
+61 2 8259 8566 (International)
0800 787 621 (New Zealand)
+61 2 9247 2822
Postal Address:
GPO Box 143
Sydney, NSW 2001

Important Information: Units in the fund(s) referred to herein are issued by Magellan Asset Management Limited (ABN 31 120 593 946, AFS Licence No 304 301). Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results and no person guarantees the future performance of the fund(s), the amount or timing of any return from the fund(s), or that the investment objectives of the fund(s) will be achieved. This material has been provided for general information purposes and must not be construed as investment advice. It does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person. Investors should consider obtaining professional investment advice tailored to their specific circumstances and should obtain and read the relevant Target Market Determination ('TMD') and Product Disclosure Statement ('PDS') applicable to the fund(s) prior to making a decision about whether to acquire or continue to hold an interest in the fund(s). The TMD and PDS for the fund(s) are available on this website or can be obtained by calling 02 9235 4888. Any trademarks, logos, and service marks contained herein may be the registered and unregistered trademarks of their respective owners. Nothing contained herein should be construed as granting by implication, or otherwise, any licence or right to use any trademark displayed without the written permission of the owner. No part of this material may be reproduced or disclosed, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Magellan Asset Management Limited.

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