Vinva Systematic Equities

Magellan offers a range of Vinva systematic equity funds that aim to provide investors with high risk-adjusted outperformance by maximising skill, breadth, and efficiency. 
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Vinva is a pioneer in systematic investing. This unique approach combines sound economic insights and market understanding with a disciplined, repeatable, and efficient process aiming to deliver consistent investment returns over time.


Equity Specialists

Access a highly skilled investment team that generates the ideas behind each alpha opportunity.

Global Exposure

Data driven insights

Leading-edge technology processes vast amounts of information quickly and systematically and removes emotional biases.

Reduced Volatility

Active Management

Analysing market data and adjusting active positions to capitalise on opportunities in a competitive investment landscape.

Long Term Growth


Diversified portfolios designed to be style, industry and country neutral aiming to consistently deliver alpha over time.

Vinva is an independent, majority employee-owned global investment management firm founded in Australia. It is a pioneer in systematic equity strategies and specialises in long-only and long-short strategies, across Australian and global equity markets. Vinva is recognised as one of the most respected fund managers in the industry with a track record of consistent outperformance over 25 years.

Watch more about Vinva (2 mins)

Vinva's investment philosophy

Vinva's systematic investment style utilises skilled investment insight and vast amounts of data to develop sophisticated models and generate market signals that guide portfolio decisions. Vinva's strategies are designed with the potential to deliver consistent outperformance through different market environments, with no significant sector or style biases on average through time.  

Vinva aims to achieve high risk-adjusted outperformance by maximising skill, breadth, and efficiency. Believing that markets are not perfectly efficient, offering opportunities for skilled active managers to earn excess returns over time.


Vinva's Approach

Leveraging a detailed research process and an experienced investment team, Vinva aims to capitalise on insights, trends, and relative mispricing that other investors may overlook, maintaining a systematic and unemotional investment approach.

Investment Experience

 Vinva's investment team provide insight, knowledge and research to identify and understand alpha opportunities.

Leading-edge technology

Enables processing vast amounts of information quickly and systematically, removing emotional biases in investing.

Dynamic portfolio construction

Ensures that alpha opportunities are efficiently implemented into portfolio holdings, considering the expected horizon of mispricing, transaction costs, taxes and risk.


Click here for more Vinva insights 

Global Equities

Why Global Equities?

Vinva Systematic Global Equities Strategy

Vinva’s investment approach to active management involves a disciplined, transparent, and repeatable investment process using proprietary data-driven models to invest in global stocks, aiming for consistent performance and risk management through rigorous quantitative analysis.

Vinva Systematic Global Equities Strategy Strategy
Invest by submitting an application form
400+ Stocks

Performance as at 31-Jan-2025 Chart

3 mths 6 mths 1 yr 3 yrs (pa) 5 yrs (pa) 7 yrs (pa) 10 yrs (pa) Since inception
Inception date: 22-Oct-2024 Important Information

Unit Price at 27-Feb-2025

Net Asset Value Entry Exit
1.0880 1.0907 1.0853

Calculations are based on exit price with distributions reinvested, after ongoing fees and expenses but excluding individual tax, member fees and entry fees (if applicable). Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Australian Equities

Why Australian Equities?

Vinva Systematic Australian Equities Strategy

Vinva’s investment approach to active management involves a disciplined, transparent, and repeatable investment process using proprietary data-driven models to invest in Australian stocks, aiming for consistent performance and risk management through rigorous quantitative analysis.

Vinva Systematic Australian Equities Strategy Strategy
Invest by submitting an application form.
90+ Stocks

Performance as at 31-Jan-2025 Chart

3 mths 6 mths 1 yr 3 yrs (pa) 5 yrs (pa) 7 yrs (pa) 10 yrs (pa) Since inception
Inception date: 22-Oct-2024 Important Information

Unit Price at 27-Feb-2025

Net Asset Value Entry Exit
1.0207 1.0233 1.0181
Invest by submitting an application form
120+ Stocks

Performance as at 31-Jan-2025 Chart

3 mths 6 mths 1 yr 3 yrs (pa) 5 yrs (pa) 7 yrs (pa) 10 yrs (pa) Since inception
Inception date: 22-Oct-2024 Important Information

Unit Price at 27-Feb-2025

Net Asset Value Entry Exit
0.9916 0.9951 0.9881

Calculations are based on exit price with distributions reinvested, after ongoing fees and expenses but excluding individual tax, member fees and entry fees (if applicable). Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

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